CHANGE the city with margit czenki, graw böckler, wiebke grösch and frank metzger

"... desire will leave the house and take to the streets" – by margit czenki, 1999, 60 min, 16mm / super 8. the successfull "park fiction" initiative from Hamburg to build a public park instead of an office building in a poor neighbourhood. filmcollage.

"i suggest: friesenpool" by graw boeckler. the not successful initiative to build a public swimmingpool in the center of the city cologne. commercial for a concept.

"i´d rather be at newington" by wiebke grösch / frank metzger. life in a former olympic village in sidney.

screening date: friday, 13-02-04, 10pm at galeria monumental, campo mártires da pátria.101,1150-227 lisboa