loop pool 06

Idea: A loop is a magic moment that never ends: a "perpetual mobile" of visual emotion.

Invitation: You are cordially invited to participate in the loop pool project by "Raum fuer Projektion" (space for projection). We would be very happy for you to create a video loop for this project. Do something new or use material that you have already shot / produced. If you are interested in participating, please get in touch with Ursula Boeckler & Georg Graw grawboeckler@gmx.de Thank you.

Final product: The final product will be a DVD & a Screening Tape of Video fifty Loops by different Video Artists & Filmmakers. loop pool will be released as a DVD and will be shown on different screenings by "Raum fuer Projektion". During the Screenings there will be a DJ or Live Music. loop pool 06 is the second edition of the project. Find more information about the first release at www.raumfuerprojektion.de

Presentation: loop pool will be presented for the first time during four nights at the Festival Lounge of "International Short Film Festival Oberhausen" (5th-8th of May 2006). More info: www.kurzfilmtage.de

Technical requirements: It is possible to create videoloops with the DVD format. There is only one restriction: at the track-changing point the DVD will pause on the last frame and the sound stops for a moment until the video starts again. Please keep this in mind when you create your video loop. If the video loop is short we can loop it smoothly and postpone the track point. Scheme: loop | loop | loop | loop loop | break point | loop...

Loops can be silent or with sound. Please keep in mind that loops are to be watched again and again. Sound has to be chosen very carefully so as not to become bothering after a while. Length of Loop can vary (from a few seconds to a couple of minutes). We ask every participant to create one video loop. Please don´t hesitate to contact us for further explanations or anything else.

Deadline 1st of April 2006 (premiere is scheduled on the 8th of May 06)

Format: Please send a file (NTSC or PAL, Quicktime or AVI) on DVD-R or CD-R or a Mini-DV tape (PAL only). Please DON´T send a video-dvd.

Mailing-Address: Michael Heydebreck, Auenweg 173, Gebaeude 9, D-51063 Cologne, Germany.

Financial Arrangement: From the entries 50 video loops will be published on DVD by “Raum fuer Projektion”. There will be no Screening Fee for the presentation during “International Short Film Festival Oberhausen”. The Festival will pay for a DVD edition of 1000 (including promotional copies). Each artist will receive four specimen copies and the other DVDs will be sold. The wholesale price of the sold copies minus the cost of production and distribution goes to the participating artists & the label (60% artists / 40% label). Keep in mind that returns will be small.

Raum fuer Projektion is a temporary projection space and a DVD Label based in Cologne / Germany and run by filmmakers Ursula Boeckler & Georg Graw.

contact: grawboeckler@gmx.de

Invitation / recommendation / participation: If you know someone who should participate as well, please let us know!

Disclaimer: loop pool started as an "invitation only" project. We are very interested in receiving loops by artists whose work we don´t know, but we can not guarantee participation in the project.