loop pool - 50 video loops by 55 artists

Steven Ball, Anders Bojen & Kristoffer Ørum, the Books, Mariola Brillowska, Mariano Cassisi, François Chalet, Szigeti Gábor Csongor, Dienststelle, Drehort St.Georg, Markus Frohnhöfer, Christoph Girardet, Ulrike Göken, Graw Böckler, Wiebke Grösch & Frank Metzger, David Hopkinson, Oliver Husain, Industriesauger-TV, Timothée Ingen-Housz, Sabina Jacobsson, Céline Keller, Nik Kern, Yvette Klein, Michel Klöfkorn, Angelika Lepper, Marta Galvão Lucas, Gabriel Malaprade, Daniel Martinico, Sandeep Mehta, Erik Moskowitz, Gregor Passens, Sig. Pipoli, Rafaël, Juan Carlos Rey, Stefan Römer, Corinna Schnitt, Michaela Schwentner, Raul Arroyo Solis, Solitonwave, Kosei Takasaki, Telematique, Myriam Thyes, Alejandra Tomei & Alberto Couceiro, Jan Verbeek, Maria Vedder, visomat inc., Britta Wandaogo, Markus Wambsganss, Herwig Weiser, Herma Auguste Wittstock & Declan Rooney, Ondi Zahora

Find narrative, documentary, hypnotic, animated, mysterious, reduced, decorative, critical, subversive, hip, sad, effective, found, artistic, technozoide, drawn, photographed, silent, loud, flickering and more loops, between 6 frames and 10 minutes duration. They all last forever.

DVD, PAL, all regions, published by www.raumfuerprojektion.de

"loop pool" is a Graw Böckler project, commissioned by the 51st International Short Film Festival Oberhausen 2005

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